Offensive Waste Service
Offensive Waste (Non-hazardous) Waste Disposal
Offensive waste is non-hazardous but still requires special labelling, storage and disposal. Even for non-hazardous materials, there are still stringent requirements for how such waste must be labelled, stored, collected and treated.
Offensive/hygiene wastes are wastes not generated by healthcare procedures and that are not known to be hazardous to human health . The waste can also be offensive in appearance and smell i.e nappies. When handled, there is a mimimal health risk, which should be assessed, and precautions should be implemented. However, provided the waste is appropriately wrapped, properly handled and free from excess liquid, the risk of human health is considered to be low.
Offensive/hygiene waste includes:
Nappies. (Childcare Premises)
Incontinence pads. (Nursing/ Care Homes)
Sanitary waste. (Business Washrooms)
Plasters (minor first aid or self care) generated by personal use in business premises.
Human and animal waste (faeces)
Medical/ Veterinary items of disposable PPE.
Animal hygiene waste (eg animal bedding);
Body piercing & Tattoos (excluding sharps).
vomit and soiled human bedding from a non-infectious source.
Catheter and stoma bags.
Municipal waste from domestic first aid and self care.