Clinical Waste service
The way that the Chiropractic professions waste should be dealt with is the same as any healthcare profession waste.
When the PPE or other items used in the treatment need to be disposed of they should be placed in the bin in the treatment room. We can provide a small tiger bag that will fit in a normal pedal/ swing bin for the treatment room.
You can then, depending on the size of the bin, empty it at lunchtime, at the end of the day or when it is full.
When the bin in the treatment room is emptied the bag should be tied and then put in either a “tiger stripe “, yellow with a black stripe or an orange bag.
The colour of the bag is determined by how you classify your waste.
1. Offensive waste – non-hazardous, this uses EWC code 18 01 04 and goes into “tiger stripe” bags and is then sent at a minimum for deep burial landfill.
2. Potentially hazardous to health, this uses the EWC code 18 01 03* and goes in UN approved orange bags and is then sent for either alternative treatment or incineration.
When the tiger or orange bag is ¾ filled it needs to be tied off and then stored for collection. If you have room in your practice to safely store the bags then please do so if you don’t you can buy or rent a lockable, UN approved, yellow external wheelie bin, depending on practice size, amount of waste produced, space to place the external bin and frequency of collection I would think either a 240 or 360Ltr bin which you will keep outside the premises and then put the orange/ tiger stripe sacks in.
You can then decide, based on the criteria above, the frequency that you have the waste collected.